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Ogopogo And the Mysterious Stranger
After 37 years, the sequel to Ogopogo will be released in 2022.
This book was written shortly after the release of the original Ogopogo book which was published in 1985. Unfortunately, life got in the way, and its release was put on hold. In early 2021, following talks with Jadon Dick of Okanagan Publishers, we decided to launch the sequel.
Since then, we have been working with Angelina Danielle, a talented young artist from Kelowna, to develop the illustrations for the story. Coming up with images to accompany the text has been a fun experience for all of us.
Unless the author is an artist, their contribution to the artwork is usually relinquished once their book is submitted to a publisher. I am pleased to say that this was not the case with this project. The artwork for this book has been a collaboration with Angelina, Jaydon and myself. I couldn’t be happier with the results.
Here is a sneak peek of the artwork for page one.